161 CleanUp Volunteer Jobs

Job Title: Cleanup Worker

Location: 161 from Huntley to Ponderosa


Join our Group pickup: We meet at 9:00 AM on Saturdays at Sharon Woods Plaza. 1714 East Dublin Granville Road, 43229

2018 Cleanup Schedule:

May 5
June 9
July 14
August 25
September 29

Job Title: Cleanup Coordinator

Location: Any Segment of 161 from Huntley to Ponderosa


Organize your own cleanup. Do it on your own. Organize your business, friends or organization! Let us know what you plan to do.

Job Title: Cleanup Recruiter

Location: Office Work/Work-from-home


Recruit key people for our scheduled cleanup events. Obtain commitments from:

  • a restaurant to provide breakfast
  • volunteers for cleanup
  • groups for cleanup
  • resources for tools and supplies

Job Title: Landscape Box Caretaker

Location: Landscape Box Near Your Business on 161


Take care of a 10’x10’ landscape box. Weed, plant, and water during the course of the year.

Help with mulching one or more of the 22 boxes.

Flag Day Jobs

Job Title: Flag Day Business Outreach

Location: Travel to 161 Business and Call & Email


Secure Flag Sponsors

Secure restaurants to be in Taste of Northland Passport.

Job Title: Flag Day Celebration Event Volunteer

Location: Columbus Square Shopping Center


Flag Day Celebration June 14, 5:00 – 8:00 PM

At Columbus Square (5664 Columbus Square, 43231)

We need multiple volunteers for the following:

  • Set Up
  • Clean Up
  • Parking
  • Host a table
  • Hand out restaurant passports
  • Assist a vendor
  • Assist with Flag display

161 Task Force Organization

We need office or work-from-home volunteers for the following:

  • Visit Businesses to promote our Task, deliver newsletters, get landlord information
  • Task Force Secretary
  • Media Coordinator: Website, email blast
  • Newsletter Editor and Chief
  • Clean Up coordinator
  • Research contact information for the land owners person who makes decisions about the property.

Details at left. Signup below.

Fill out my online form.